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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Stuff About Racism

While I'm thinking about racism, I'd like to address the issue of racist cops. While there is a percentage of men in blue who use the badge for wrongdoing, there is a much much much larger precentage who help out the citizens of our country. There are racist teachers too, who use racial slurs and teach hate, but there aren't songs about killing them. If I could fight the cops who attack minorities, believe me, I'd do it (or just hire Chuck Norris to do it). But we need to show a healthy respect for those police officers who do help out the community, because we'd be nowhere without them.


Blogger Waldo J. Cartridge said...

My Uncle Ed Deacy was a police officer. For more information, search Ed Deacy on Wikipedia.

8:08 PM

Blogger Paul said...


8:46 PM


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