A true example of sticking it to the man
Courtesy of AOL News (thats right Waldo... no plagorizing this time) I bring you a story of a girl rising up against something that made her angry. Hell, it would make me angry too.
LATTA, S.C. (May 22) - A 15-year-old girl led a small protest march Monday over her high school's ban on Confederate flag clothing, which she is also challenging in court.
Candice Hardwick walked with about a dozen people, about half of them family members and some wearing Confederate T-shirts, a few blocks to Latta High School. Hardwick wore a Confederate belt buckle and button and had the Confederate flag on her cell phone cover. She removed those items before entering the school, where she is a sophomore.
Hardwick says she wants to wear the emblem to pay tribute to ancestors who fought on the Confederate side of the Civil War. She said she has been forced to change clothes or turn her shirt inside-out, and has been suspended twice and threatened with being kicked off the track team.
John Kirby, school superintendent, said Monday that officials "have clothing issues every year ... and we've handled it consistently every time."
Among those marching with Candice was a black man, H.K. Edgerton, past chairman of the Southern Legal Resource Center's advisory board. The group filed a federal lawsuit in March on her behalf.
"She's made a stand for her Southland," said Edgerton. A former local NAACP leader in North Carolina, he is known for dressing up in Confederate gear to emphasize what he describes as the role blacks played in voluntarily supporting the South in the Civil War.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that the First Amendment protects students' political expressions during school hours so long as they don't substantially disrupt the education process.
The high court has not ruled specifically on whether a student may wear Confederate symbols. Three years ago, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta upheld a lower court ruling allowing a school to ban the Confederate flag.
*I was unable to post pics on the post, but it is important to know that a black man marched in the protest. Therefore, it cannot be called "racist."
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