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Monday, October 02, 2006

50 posts and over 200 profile views

Well, I've hit a couple milestones. This is my 50th post. Thats half way to 100 for those of you who have trouble in math. I believe I'm the first one to hit this number. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

I have also made changes to my profile, which I expected to generate many more views. My number jumped from about 170 to 211 in just a couple of days. I'm cathing up to Waldo, who is currently in the lead in that category. Who will be the first one to 75 posts? or 100? Only time will tell. It is my prediction that the blog world will get stronger and the posts will get better. Peace.


Blogger Waldo J. Cartridge said...

I had fifty with my new post, "Some Very Special News." I don't know if they counted the "Happy Birthday Abu Yayha" post, which I deleted, so it may actually be 51.

11:55 AM

Blogger Casey Affleck said...

Congrats on your milestone biglee. not that anyone really gives a #$%!!!!
Just kidding.
By the way, the teacher i referred to in my blog was Mr. Eggans. I saw him in israel on the way here. I do make new ratings from Abu Dhabi on rmt.com.
About the emails: if you could get me will mitchel, taylor phelps, al stevens, jason langevin, conrad chan (because I might be going to China) that would be great for now. Tell other people my email if you don't mind too; I'd like to talk to my buds from Bow.

6:01 AM

Blogger Casey Affleck said...

I was kidding about Eggans; I hope you didn't actually believe that. It would be hilarious if he was there, though. How is football? Hopefully beter than your team. (jk) talk to you later, Joe

5:08 AM

Blogger Josef D Guttenheimer said...

well 4 football were 1-5.

10:40 PM

Blogger Waldo J. Cartridge said...

1. It's more like going to California.

2. I've never been to Florida anyway

3. It would have cost thousands of dollars

4. It's a dangerous war zone

5. Don't you remember us joking about how Eggans looked so much like Steven Spielberg?

6. Paul Giamatti is in 2 new movies

3:28 AM

Blogger Michard said...

Lee, check my new awesome post.

5:46 PM

Blogger Scanman said...


6:02 PM


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