A unique and interesting internet experience.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Free Mumia

I've heard about a man named Mumia. Aparantly, he was wrongfully improisoned for the murder of a police officer. This is wrong, and he should be set free. But you know what really grinds my gears? People who whine about it. I mean, people who say "it's my life's goal to free Mumia," and then do nothing. We all know its wrong, but its about time whiners stop whining and actually do something about it. If you don't like it, rise against it, or SHUT-UP!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Greatest Post Ever

O.K... so here begins the longest, most in-depth post ever. I would like to first remember all of the times I've spent blogging, and all I've learned from my fellow bloggers. If I've learned one thing, it's that you should not just post videos without writing anything, especially if they're about little kids getting hurt (even though its hilarious).

I'd also like to remind readers of my feud with Fidel Giamatti. It was a brutal war, featuring mom, wife and fat jokes. But we are all happy it is over and can now look back on it and see how silly we were.

We were all there to see Waldo make his announcement that he was moving to the UAE. That's right, you heard it first on Blogspot. We were there through the actor disses, such as George Clooney, Tom Cruise, and I guess Tom Hanks is the new guy we're ripping on. You know, I don't get why people hate Mr. Hank's so much. I mean, who would have been better in any of his roles? Someone please give me a name (besides Paul Giamatti) of an actor who would have made a better Forrest Gump, or Army Guy, or loser stranded on an island. He was perfect for those roles. You the man Tom!!!

Anyway... I'd like to talk about movies. Snakes on a Plane should be just about the greatest thing to hit the big screen. I wonder what it's about? The title doesn't give any hints so I guess it will be a surprise. Then we have Scary Movie 4. I was fortuante enough to see that with a few of my homies and I gotta say it was quite amusing. But one movie will rise above them all, and that movie is Nacho Libre. Jack Black is in it. Need I say more? You the man Jack!!!

My fellow bloggers and I have also spent a considerable amount of time talking about 24 on Fox, which is quite possibly the greatest show on telivision. Kiefer Sutherland, who plays Jack Bauer, is also appearing in the upcoming movie The Sentenial. Now if that doesn't look like the best damn thing to hit the big screen, I don't know what does. (Maybe the Da Vinci Code, but now you're just comparing apples and oranges). 24 has brought me to the word of the year: Syntox Nerve Gas. The year isn't even over yet, and I know nothing in the remaining months will compare to the excitement that 24 and the Syntox Nerve Gas crisis has.

Then, we had Bomb's Away. Oh how I will miss the songs that I never even heard. "I hate the Media," "Balls of Steel," and "The 80's Metal Montage," are just a couple of the greatest hits. Unfortuantely, the band broke up after only practicing 2 times. We will never forget you Bomb's Away!!!

I suppose thats all I have to write about now. I'm sure people like Fidel Giamatti will find something bad to say about this post, but I won't let it get to me. Because I know in my heart, that this is a fantastic collection of memories that are enjoyable to read. Thank You to all who have made my blogging experience wonderful thus far.

----Big Lee

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Longest Post In Blog History!!!!

Waldo J. Cartridge said he was working on a post to "blow our minds out." Well I take that as a challege Woody, and am about to create a post longer than anything you could imagine. You all complained that mine were to short, but this one won't be. I just need to think about what to make it about. Keep checking cause it will be there. It will.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


All you who read this, do me a favor and take this poll I made at misterpoll.com. I highly recommend you you join that site and make a poll of your own.



Okay here's another question that should be very challenging.

What are the names of Jessica and Ashlee Simpson's parents?

Random I know, but it gives me an excuse to put these hot pics of them on the blog. Enjoy.

Monday, April 10, 2006

24/Prison Break Update


So how many people are in solitary now? We have Lincoln, Michael and the Puerto Rican guy. How the hell are they getting out of there? It's also obvious that L.J will soon be reunited with his father in prison. What a stupid ass! He could have got information from the secret service guy, but instead he shot him, and now he's going to jail. And come on. How long can the black guy pretend he's in Iraq? Sooner or later, his wife is gonna find out he's in jail, and it's all over. Then we have the wigger.
Poor bastard has a creepy cell mate who's after him... if you know what I mean. It will definately be interesting to see where the clever Fox writers take us next week.

Now for 24...

President Logan was in on it the whole time! What a bastard. I hope Jack Bauer makes his remaining years very uncomfortable. But in order to bring him to justice, they have to escape Henderson, who will do anything he can to stop the evidence from getting exposed. And is anyone else a little suspicious of Secretary Heller? Something's a little fishy. If the president's a bad guy, who knows who else is? Not to metntion he appeared on a comedy on ABC. I must say, between Prison Break and 24, I was on the edge of my seat. I don't know about you, but I can't wait until next Monday.

Another Point for Woody

Once again, Waldo J. Cartridge comes in with the correct answer. I'll have to think of harder questions. Perhaps 24 and Prison Break trivia? We'll have to see. Tune in for a new question.

Another Trivia Question

Congrats to Waldo, who got the last answer correct. The first photograph was taken in 1826 by some French dude. Thats one point for my man Woody. There's still hope for the rest of you, cause here's another question:

Name the three major league baseball teams that have a bird as their name.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Okay. I had this great idea to ask trivia questions on my blog. Whoever can write a comment with the correct answer first gets a prize. Today's question is:

In what year was the first photograph taken?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Kurt Cobain Tribute

Today, April 5, is the 12 year aniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. For those ignorant people who don't know who he was, he was the singer of quite possibly the greatest band of all time: Nirvana. He committed suicide by way of a shot gun. I guess every man has his breaking point. We will never forget him and all that he gave to music.

Another Review


Name a person who's even somewhat famous (or infamous) and this website will tell you their birth date, death date (if there is one) what they did and how the died (if they have). I highly recommend it. There are many interesting catagories to see, such as who died before age 30 and who lived to be 100. You can also search by cause of death. As the Beastie Boys would say, ch-ch-check it out!!!