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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tupac Shakur is Alive

In my last post, I displayed evidence proving that the apollo moon landing was fake. Now, I'll educate you on another conspiricy theory.

You don't have to like Tupac Shakur to be interested in this story. Tupac was supposedly murdered in a drive-by shooting in September of 1996. However, many friends and family of the rapper say that he is still alive somewhere, and there evidence to prove this theory.

After his "death," an album was released. Makaveli: Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. The first part is a reference to Niccol Machiavelli, an Itallian philosopher who believed that faking one's death was a sure way to fool enemies. Perhaps this is Tupac's message to the world that things aren't all that they seem to be.

Of course, that doesn't proove anything. 14 months after his death, the album R U Still Down? was released. Tupac starred in three videos promoting the album. When asked about this, his manager said that Tupac as a forward thinking man and filmed the videos 2 months before his death. Coincidence? I don't think so.

In 1998, Tupac's Greatest Hits was released. As with all albums released after his "death" the songs were said to be recorded long ago. However, the album featured 6 new songs, and in one song, Shakur makes reference to the film Armagedden, which came out long after his death. In another, he congratulates the Denver Broncos on winning the superbowl, which also hapened after his death.

We may never know the truth, but there is no denying that the evidence is intriquing. There are more facts out there and all those interested should google something like "Tupac Alive?" to find links. Peace.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Apollo Moon Landing Fake

Okay guys, here's an image we're all familiar with: man on the moon.

Its so amazing to think that a human being could leave this planet and set foot on a "Non-Earth" surface. However, there are many things wrong with the pictures our astronauts brought back from the moon. Things that are scientifically impossible to occur on the moon occured in those pictures. So, it is my belief that man never really walked on the moon, and the pictures and video we see are nothing but a staged government plot to raise our spirits. It is up to you to choose what you believe, but perhaps you'll consider the following points.

It is first important to ask yourself... Why would the government do such a thing? There are a few reasons.

1. The space race with the Soviet Union was reaching its peak. America wanted to win so badly, they decided they would cheat and pretend to be on the moon. Nobody would know they were really in the Nevada desert with a camera crew and actors.

2. The Vietnam war was getting increasingly worse, and to distract the rather worried citizens, the government decided to make a giant leap for mankind.

3. NASA raised 30 billion dollars pretending to go to the moon. All that money was meant to be used for the technology necessary to attempt such a stunt. The cost to fake it was obviously a lot less. Therefore, the funds went in the pocket of those high on the NASA food chain.

Lets observe another photo:

The first thing wrong with the picture: the astronauts shadow. It is obvious that the shadow is longer than the man himself. Not unusual... on Earth. The only light source on the moon is the sun, therefore making a shadow that large impossible.

Also, i'd like to draw your attention to the flag. There is no oxygen on the moon, as we all know. Then how can the flag be fluttering? The last time I checked, you need wind to make something flutter, yet the red, white and blue appears to be moving quite a lot. The picture below shows a better view of the flag.
Another little something I'd like to point out is the sky in the background. Seems a little dark to me. Aren't there stars in the sky? I've never seen one star in any moon photo I've seen. You'd think in such a large conspiricy, someone would have thought to put stars in the backdrop of this act, but yet they are absent from the sky. If they were really on the moon they'd be there.

One more little thing...
In this picture, there appears the be the letter "C" carved on this rock. Obviously man-made, this rock must have come from Earth. A little gag by the props department perhaps? Who knows.

Anyway... I hope you will consider my arguments. Look up some information for yourself. I am not the only one who thinks this, and there are several sites supporting the belief. Googling "moon walk fake?" will surely set you up with some great links. As they say in NASA... "roger that... over and out."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A true example of sticking it to the man

Courtesy of AOL News (thats right Waldo... no plagorizing this time) I bring you a story of a girl rising up against something that made her angry. Hell, it would make me angry too.

LATTA, S.C. (May 22) - A 15-year-old girl led a small protest march Monday over her high school's ban on Confederate flag clothing, which she is also challenging in court.
Candice Hardwick walked with about a dozen people, about half of them family members and some wearing Confederate T-shirts, a few blocks to Latta High School. Hardwick wore a Confederate belt buckle and button and had the Confederate flag on her cell phone cover. She removed those items before entering the school, where she is a sophomore.
Hardwick says she wants to wear the emblem to pay tribute to ancestors who fought on the Confederate side of the Civil War. She said she has been forced to change clothes or turn her shirt inside-out, and has been suspended twice and threatened with being kicked off the track team.
John Kirby, school superintendent, said Monday that officials "have clothing issues every year ... and we've handled it consistently every time."
Among those marching with Candice was a black man, H.K. Edgerton, past chairman of the Southern Legal Resource Center's advisory board. The group filed a federal lawsuit in March on her behalf.
"She's made a stand for her Southland," said Edgerton. A former local NAACP leader in North Carolina, he is known for dressing up in Confederate gear to emphasize what he describes as the role blacks played in voluntarily supporting the South in the Civil War.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1969 that the First Amendment protects students' political expressions during school hours so long as they don't substantially disrupt the education process.
The high court has not ruled specifically on whether a student may wear Confederate symbols. Three years ago, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta upheld a lower court ruling allowing a school to ban the Confederate flag.

*I was unable to post pics on the post, but it is important to know that a black man marched in the protest. Therefore, it cannot be called "racist."

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Hey everybody. I would just like to point out that some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses. And now you do what they told you? You do what they told you? You do what they told you? Those who died are justified by wearing the badge they're the chosen whites. They justify those who died by wearing the badge they're the chose whites.

Those fine words were sung by Rage Against The Machine, and I found them at www.lyrics.com. They have the most detailed lyrics, down to the "ughh" which appears in almost every Rage song. If you're ever curious just what your favorite bands are saying over all the instrumentals, check out the site.

I guess i'll probably be ripped apart for not writing more, but I have nothing more to say on the matter. Peace.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Officer Daniel Faulkner

I realize that in the past, I have made some very funny posts. This is not one of them. There has been talk among the blog community about Mumia Abu Jamal, and his "innocence" in the murder of Officer Daniel Faulkner. I'm not here to tell you that Mumia is guilty, but rather to tell you a little about the crime that occured on the night of his arrest. Whether Mumia did it or not, I believe not enough attention is being focused on the actual crime that was committed, and the victim of the brutal killing.

Here is a T-shirt that shows how some people feel about the Murder.

Daniel J. Faulkner (December 21, 1955December 9, 1981) was a Philadelphia police officer who was murdered in the line of duty. Mumia Abu-Jamal, a journalist, political activist, and member of the Black Panther Party and MOVE, was arrested and convicted of Faulkner's murder. Abu-Jamal's conviction has since led to a decades-long controversy.
Daniel Faulkner had settled down with his wife Maureen in Philadelphia and had been serving with the Philadelphia Police Department for five years. On December 9, 1981, Faulkner pulled over William Cook, the brother of Mumia Abu-Jamal (born Wesley Cook). While Faulkner attempted to arrest Cook, Abu-Jamal arrived and allegedly shot Faulkner five times. Officer Faulkner also fired, wounding Abu-Jamal in the chest. Abu-Jamal was taken into custody by other officers after he collapsed nearby. Daniel Faulkner was pronounced dead the same night. (article courtesy of Wikepedia).

I would like to point out that I am against the death penalty, and whether or not Mumia is guilty, he does not deserve to die. But someone did die that night in the line of duty. No matter how strongly people believe in Mumia's innocence, we can not forget the crime that was committed. Justice does need to be served. Remember, there are two sides to every story.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dane Cook

Dane Cook is very funny despite what piscan pie or free mumia boy may say.
http://www.wimp.com/dane/ here is one of his many funny stand-up comedy sessions. Watch it from beginning to end and if you don't laugh even once... there's something wrong with you. Enjoy.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Prison Break Update!!!!!

Okay... It's been a couple of long hard seasons, but it looks as though the break out is tonight. Of course we've been saying that for weeks now, but I've got a good feeling about tonight. If anyone is interested in jumping on the prison break band wagon its not too late. Tonight at 8 on Fox. Be there or be square. And don't forget to watch 24 after. For any information on either of these shows or other fox programs, visit www.fox.com. Peace.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Just writing to say hi. I realize that I havn't posted in a while, and I apoligize to anyone who may have cut themselves because of this. But guess what? I'm back! And better than evah. The picture to the left is of a Lion-Dog. That's right... half lion half dog.

Anyway... I'm in the process of finding some blog friends to join the 3 or 4 people who read this. I figure by commenting on other blogs, I may develop some contacts and eventually work up a good little audience for BigLee's blog. It's a work in progress. Peace homies.