A unique and interesting internet experience.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Hard Core Rap for Ya'll

For all you dopes who don't like my blog,
I got a message to send to ya, dawgs.

My blog's amazing, the best on the web,
The governor of Florda is a guy named Jeb.

Arnold Shwartsinagar is the governor of California,
Sorry to talk about governors, don't wanna bore ya.

Anyway, back the blog of Big Lee,
No one out there can doubt me

I'm so cool and so smart too,
Waldo tries hard to decieve you.

Says I don't know any facts,
But I'm the one who should be sayin' that.

He tells people his opinions are the truth,
I can't think of anything that rhymes except Ruth

There are people, who think my blog's good,
Like my homeboy Antonio, the king of the hood.

My blog has lots of variety
What can I say? I'm Big Lee!!

People who don't like it are just jealous
You can't buy this cause I won't sell this

This is post number 40
Just another grreat one for Big Lee

As Fidel Giamatti would say: "Free Mumia."
I got nothing more to say... See ya!!

Monday, June 19, 2006


As Alice Cooper said, "schools out for summer." This statement becomes the truth for all the lucky school kids tomorrow. Summer brings along many adventures and oportunites. It is the care free time that we just say, "to hell with it," and do what we damn please. I look forward to a fantastic summer and wish all those reading this the same. Don't forget your sunblock (especially Waldo, who will be in a place much hotter than where he currently is).

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Plastic Surgery

I would like to tell everyone that I got plastic surgery.



You may wonder why I did it. Well I recieved word of a great plastic surgeon and I love a change. I hope you like it. Now I can look that much better when I dis Waldo in our Da Vinci Code debates. Peace.

Waldo fails to come up with a response

I left a comment on the Waldo Files which said the following:

You have no right to talk bad about something you don't know anything about. I can critique it because I saw it, but you can't because you didn't. I'm gonna repeat this comment until you admit that that's true.

He responded with the same thing he's been saying the whole time. He claims that I know nothing about his point of view. Well, I don't think that he knows anything about his point of view because he's not familiar with the Da Vinci Code. Let me give and example:

If I criticize the Bible without having read it, I have no argument because I haven't read it. I could read passages from it, but that would not be enough. I could accuse someone that they don't know anything from my point of view. They would simply have to respond with "you don't know what you're talking about, so how could you have an opposing argument?"

That scenerio is the same thing as Waldo's and mine. I realize that The Da Vinci Code is a work of Fiction. But to many people, so is the Bible. My final thought about the matter is: If you're going to criticize something, make sure you've read it or seen it or done whatever with it depending on what it is. If you don't do that then there is no hope you could argue against it.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The Aftermath

While the war is over, there is still tension between Waldo and Myself. I hope that this tension will soon die down. Both sides claimed victory. Waldo said that he won because he had more facts than I. Perhaps he did, but about what? Things irrelevant to the Da Vinci Code. I claimed victory due to the lack of knowledge Waldo had about The Da Vinci Code. It appears there will never be a resolution. Basiaclly it was a stalemate.

Fidel Giamatti is back, and still blabbing on about Mumia. I sense a possible blog war about that topic in the near future. Guilty or Innocent? Who knows. But each side has arguments worth considering. Guess thats all I have to say. Peace.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Waldo + lack of knowledge = a victory for Big Lee

I am relieved that it is finally over. Unfortunately, many harsh things were said and much time was spent at the computer typing the most sarcastic and witty things we could think of. But it is finally over and I am glad. I decided to jump on the bandwagon of "Blog Math" (if you notice the title). That pretty much sums up the war right there. You can go through the comments on both Big Lee's Blog and Waldo Files to see what was said back and forth. It will surely go down in history as one of the most brutal blog wars in the history of blogging. It ended with a crushing blow by Big Lee that Waldo has no possible comeback to, hence, the ticker tape parade to celebrate peace. No hard feelings Waldo.